Warning: | These instructions were only tested on Debian. It will probably work for other Linux distributions, but you might need to adapt the provided instructions. |
Warning: | This page is a work in progress and is not completed. Important informations might be missing or wrong. |
To use this guide, you will need Nginx installed and configured.
# apt install php5-cli php5-fpm php5-apcu
Common configuration
In Debian, the different flavour of PHP have their own configuration file. This allow fine grained configuration but makes it harder to have common behaviour.
Let’s create a common file read by all PHP interpreters.
# echo -e '; Commmon configuration for all PHP interpreters\n; priority=99\n' > /etc/php5/mods-available/local-common.ini
# php5enmod local-common
Unless specified, all the settings bellow should go to /etc/php5/mods-available/local-common.ini
Integrate with Nginx
Create file /etc/nginx/conf.d/php5.conf
upstream php {
server unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
PHP is known to have a particularly poor track record in term of security. Although things are improving, it is recommended to harden you installation.
Hide PHP
It is generally a bad idea to give information on the technologies used by your system. This setting make sure that PHP is not exposed.
; Name of the sessionid cookie = sid
; Don't add script name in emails
mail.add_x_header = 0
Session IDs
By default PHP session IDs are not very random. Let's get some more entropy
; By default, PHP session IDs are not very random
; reduce session entropy down to 20 bits
; The settings bellow uses 256 bits of entropy from /dev/urandom
session.entropy_length = 32
; Default is md5
session.hash_function = sha256
; Not security related. Make the session ID cookie a bit shorter
session.hash_bits_per_character = 6
Prevent session fixation attacks
; Don't allow client to choose their session id
session.use_strict_mode = 1
; Hide session cookie from JavaScript
session.cookie_httponly = 1
; Make session cookie work only with HTTPS
; Warning: it might break you application if you don't use HTTPS
session.cookie_secure = 1
Limit File Access
By default, PHP allow scripts to read any file on the machine including sensible files like /etc/passwd
The setting bellow limit that. Of course when new sites are added, the list of folder need to be extended.
; Column separated list of folder to allow inclusion from.
; Eg. "/usr/share/php/:/usr/share/phpmyadmin/"
open_basedir = "/usr/share/php/"